Hear Me Roar Theatre Company



Hear Me Roar Theatre company was formed in 2018 by Aleah Vassell and Brenda Orellana. Being acting graduate students at the time, they were made to be apart of stories that lacked diversity. Because of this, they created an inclusive and equitable space de-centering eurocentricity and focusing on telling the stories of the historically forgotten.

Hear Me Roar continues to share these stories all while creating new ones for the days to come. HMR is passionate about performing diverse, contemporary narratives uplifting BIPOC, LGBTQ+, femmes, and differently abled folks, as well as devising our own.

“Our truths are loud and for all to hear. Get ready for what’s to come.”

- Company Founders, Aleah Vassell & Brenda Orellana

For more on Hear Me Roar Theatre Company: